As well has been wrote, the idea of happiness is one of more controvertial thing through all the times. The happiness is really complex; for example, for ones the money can represent happiness but for others could be a reason for concern and in some extreme cases can be reason to sadness.
The infomation given for Wiederman and Mayers in the pieces of information used for our summary, treats in a excelent way all the factor that can have influence to achieve the happiness.
From mi point of view, the happiness should be a combination of factors that allowing to the person cover all its needs; whether if these are affective, economic or social.
Nice picture, Aurelio! :D (it makes me smile)
As you point out, it depends on a person's demand whether the person would satisfy about oneself or not.Take care! :)
I think the concept happiness differs from culture to culture. What makes people happy in one culture may not make other people living in different culture happy. But still there are things that make everybody happy no matter which culture they are like weekends, passing exams…
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