Sunday, April 13, 2008


Bloodletting and miraculous cures is an interesting novel written by Vincent Lam, a Canadian descending of a Chinese family, expatriate of Vientman. This novel reflex in a clear way the conflict and difficulties suffered by many students to get into medicine school. Subsequently he present with a impeccable written language the hard life that of medicine professionals have to face. Throughout the novel we can to know different situations, some of features personals and sentimental, others of cracter entirely medical. In this lecture we can found a wide spectrum of medical issues that go since a risky cesarean until a death for heart attack passing for the most dangerous diseases of our time such as SAR and AIDS.

I strongly recomend this book for someone who want to read a something different , that despite its tecnical nature is easy to read.


Emily said...

I am very interested in your book but I am so lazy.... your summary is good for understanding the book

Tiffany said...

I am waiting for your presentation of the novel...