Despite that before I have made other papers in my previous experiences as a student, I never thought that write a paper in English was so exigent for me. All the process to explore different sources of information was for me absolutely interesting and useful. This first paper research taught me several lessons. The first was, is necessary to recognize the importance to select the correct and accurate information that later has to be analyze, order and present in a logical order that allow the reader to catch the ideas that we as a writers we want to transmit. The second was, that not all the sources of information are trustable. Fortunately I did a research using some databases and the excelent library service thata Concordia University provide for us. Finally, I have to recognize that to write a paper research is needed a process that should be carried step by step and requires invest a lot of time and attention.
you are always the best and the hardest student in the class!
I agree.. writing a paper takes times and need to be planned
I like you topic, and I think it is very interesting!!!
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